CAO is recognized among cigar lovers for our superb quality, innovative
product development and unique packaging.
CAO’s premium, hand-rolled cigars are enjoyed by connoisseurs worldwide
and have received top ratings from industry experts. The CAO La Traviata
Divino was ranked among Cigar Aficionado’s 2010 Top 25 Cigars.
La Traviata Divino Ranks #15 in Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of 2010
CAO La Traviata Divino
Perhaps the finest cigar ever made by CAO International Inc., the robusto-sized CAO La Traviata Divino represents a departure from the traditional type of cigar release for CAO. The company usually announces a new cigar with a considerable flash, such as when it launched the unique lighted boxes of CAO. Vision or the ultra-hip red lacquer box shaped like the trunk of a car for the CAO Sopranos Series. But with the La Traviata brand, CAO simply let the cigar speak for itself. Packed in plain, wooden containers, the Divino, which was released in U.S. cigar shops very late in 2009 (too late, in fact, to be part of last year’s Top 25 ranking), is a solid performer, a no-nonsense meaty and spicy smoke with notes of nuts and dark chocolate.