
All Davidoff cigars maintain well defined standards of quality and excellence. The tobaccos that are used in the different blends have been cultivated in accordance with the most ancient traditions, in the richest soils and ideal climatic conditions of carefully selected fields. The choicest leaves from various harvest undergo four years of aging, which imparts to Davidoff cigars their rich aroma and consistently smooth taste. All Davidoff cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic, where for over five centuries this art has been passed on from generation to generation.

Both the Aniversarion No. 1 (Giant Double Corona) and the Aniversario No. 2 (Churchill) are characterized by surprising lightness, dominated by a rich, intense aroma. The tobacco harmonize perfectly in these ideally balanced cigars, exquisitely presented in unique and elegant packaging. The Davidoff Aniversario No. 3 Tubos – a Toro format – is comparable in flavor to the Davidoff Double «R». The shorter format gives this cigar an even more distinctive aroma and fuller body. A longer Robust for lovers of cigars made from rich, characterful tobacco blends.

Cigar connoisseurs will appreciate the light, delicate yet rich aroma of this line of cigars. The No.1, No.2, No.3 and the petit Ambassadrice are shapes of the greatest elegance distinguished by their subtle blend. The Davidoff No.2 cigar is also available in a tubed version.