
The Ashton Story

The Ashton name has become internationally recognized and respected for its commitment to the manufacturing and distribution of the finest premium cigars.

Robert LevinThe Ashton cigar is the realization of Robert Levin’s dream, a second generation tobacconist from Philadelphia whose idea for Ashton came from years of experience in the industry, not only as an importer and retailer of cigars, but also as a true connoisseur of the world’s finest cigar blends. Levin created Ashton cigars in 1985 and today, with the manufacturing expertise of the world renowned Fuente Family, Ashton cigars have become one of the most sought after premium cigars in the world. The finest and richest Dominican grown leaf are used for the filler and binder providing Ashton with its unique complexity; only the oiliest, silkiest Connecticut Shade grown and finest Ecuador (for the VSG) wrappers are used rewarding Ashton with its distinctive character. The result is a perfect balance of complexity and character.

Ashton cigars are offered in six very different and distinct blends. The broadest Ashton offering is the hand rolled premium cigar selection with thirteen sizes, delivering medium body and consistent long lasting taste. The Cabinet Selection, a Vintage Limited Edition as the name suggests, entails a tobacco “aging process” for the tobacco that is three to four years old and then aged for an additional year. It includes no less than six different tobaccos resulting in a rich, medium bodied complex tasting cigar available in eight sizes. The Ashton Aged Maduro is a naturally dark, sweet cigar which comes from proper fermenting and a never hurried aging of the wrapper giving this cigar its flavor and smoothness. Seven sizes of this superior maduro wrapped cigar are available.

The Ashton VSG (Virgin Sun Grown) was unveiled in November 1999 and was the most successful product introduction in Ashton’s history. The Ashton VSG was crafted with an unforgettable richness and potency. Its full-bodied flavor provides balance to the entire Ashton line of premium cigars. The VSG was an instant success and the Cigar Insider, a leading industry newsletter published by Cigar Aficionado, stated “…connoisseurs are seeking out the new Ashton Virgin Sun Grown with a fervor not seen in the industry for years…” It further reported a demand for the VSG “unequaled since the end of the cigar boom” several years ago and, after it conducted a taste test, the publication awarded the VSG with a 93 rating making it one of the highest ratings ever for a non-Cuban brand. Again, in 2007, VSG was awarded a slew of 90 plus ratings in Cigar Insider reaffirming its place among the very top cigars in the world today. The VSG’s introduction started an important industry trend toward full-bodied cigars and today, few would argue that it not only started the movement, but remains, in spite of scores of imitators, as the top full bodied cigar anywhere.

To create this great cigar, Ashton called on Carlos Fuente, Jr. of Tabacalera A. Fuente who worked with us for two years to develop the VSG’s incredible strength while keeping within the Ashton standards of excellence in taste, flavor and construction. When introducing the VSG, the Company knew it would be a success but never anticipated the demand and recognition it would give the Ashton name.

Ashton cigar



In November 2003, the new Ashton Heritage Puro Sol was introduced and immediately received a 90 rating from Cigar Insider and numerous accolades from industry insiders and consumers alike. The Ashton Heritage Puro Sol will be a cigar steeped in the tradition and honor of two legendary cigar families, the Fuentes and Meerapfels. This exquisite cigar marks the first time a Cameroon wrapper has surrounded an Ashton blend and the results are stunning. With the marriage of Carlos Fuente Sr’s blending and the African cameroon wrapper selected by the late Rick Meerapfel, the Ashton Heritage Puro Sol is destined for a place in cigar history.

To help celebrate its 20th anniversary, Ashton introduced the Ashton Estate Sun Grown (ESG), a spectacular, limited edition cigar blended by Carlos Fuente Jr. with a proprietary blend using wrapper grown exclusively on the Chateau de la Fuente farm. Each year a new size will be introduced until 2010 when all five sizes will be available going forward.

No matter which Ashton cigar is chosen, one can expect unsurpassed quality, consistency and pleasure beyond expectation.